Committed. Experienced. Smart. Passionate. Daring. Confident. Wise.

Each member of our team brings a business mind grounded in a compassionate heart. We think strategically but we never lose sight of our most important measures of success – our residents, their experiences and their sense of belonging.

Linda (Steeves) Scapillati, Chair
“MillDon was, is and will always be a family business. But more than that, it’s a family legacy. My parents, Millie and Don, left us a great gift. We aim to honour that gift by evolving their legacy and making it our own. Our truest barometer of success is that every person who chooses to live with us feels that they belong with us.”

David Scapillati, President
“I’m very excited to take the incredible foundation we are inheriting and build a bright future on it. The MillDon team is dynamic, committed and smart. Together, we will constantly raise the bar on what it means to run a great property and create places where people feel they belong.”

Lisa Smith, Head of Property Operations
“I have been in this business for 20+ years, and I get the incredible privilege of leading our amazing operational team. We have such capable, passionate, warm, giving team members on the ground who are dedicated to making sure that each and every resident feels that sense of belonging in a way that is meaningful to them.”   

Wendy Melvin, Human Resources
“We create better is one of our core values. And it’s not simply about our properties. We create better for our employees, so they have the autonomy, guidance and support to create better for our residents. I am honoured to work with this incredible team and watch each person step into their potential.”